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District Missionary


CHAIR - District Missionary Unit, District Missionary Linda Anderson

DEAN - District Missionary Katherine Boyd


Washington State Jurisdictional District Missionary Academy


The newly appointed District Missionary is enrolled in the WSJW District Missionary Training Orientation and continues onto the regularly scheduled mandated Academy with all other District Missionaries.


The Academy provides an Orientation and an ongoing training of continuing education for excellence as a District Missionary. The training emphasis is centered around the how-to strategies, duties, and primary objectives of the District Missionary. These include supporting the focus of her Superintendent’s projects and the vision in the District and supporting the women’s ministries in the district.


WSJW District Missionary Training Orientation

This training orientation, which was visioned in 2021 to begin in the New Year of 2022, has been designed and is mandatory, specifically for the new WSJW District Missionary and for all present WSJW District Missionaries who have never attended the Orientation. The Orientation is scheduled to meet as needed and then attendees will go immediately into the following scheduled Training Academy.


 WSJW District Missionary Training Academy

This training academy, which was visioned in 2021 to begin in the New Year of 2022, has been designed and is mandatory, specifically for all “with charge” WSJW District Missionaries and is open to all “without charge” District Missionaries. This Academy and its Orientation are closed to “observers.”  The Academy is scheduled to meet regularly as scheduled on the 2nd Saturday of each month of March, May, September, and December in person at 7:45am-8:55am.


This training is targeted to enrich and develop the hearts and minds of the WSJW District Missionary to manage growth, challenges, and change. This will be accomplished by thoroughly examining three main areas for proficiency: (1) leadership, (2) management, and (3) professional development. The WSJW District Missionary will learn with the other WSJW District Missionary in an interactive environment. Experienced facilitators who possess an undeniable knowledge of the Department will help them to understand and implement the District Superintendent’s focus and how to support the Jurisdictional Supervisor’s work in the Department of Women.

If space is given, at the Jurisdictional Leadership Conference in January, each eligible WSJW District Missionary will receive a Certificate of Attendance for the 1-year period. (Following the 1st year of Academy, the District Missionary Unit will continue to use these months to meet under the facilitation of the President.)




Washington State Jurisdictional Women - Other Licensing and Credential Information


Missionaries transferring from another COGIC jurisdiction (COGIC Licenses are International, not Jurisdictional, therefore we do not "exchange" licenses). On ARC, make official Transfer of Church/Jurisdiction then submit a picture copy, along with a copy of her Missionary License, and a copy of her current credential card to the Supervisor of Women, Washington State Jurisdiction, at After, all 3 documents are received and information is verified by Supervisor’s office, the Supervisor will authorize documentation of the Missionary onto the Washington State Jurisdiction Missionary Roster and a new Roster will be given to the District Missionary.



Regardless of whether the person has ever been a member of the Church of God in Christ or not (even those who were Credential Holders and then left and are now returning) there must be a process of refresher of COGIC Doctrine, procedures, administration, etc. Please follow the Directives for Recommending a Candidate for Licensing with the exception of 6 months at the present home church with observation by your pastor in place of the 2 years observation. 



In order to maintain COGIC credentials a Washington State Jurisdiction Licensed Missionary must pay her International Reports on time and consistently.  These submitted Reports are documented and sent by the Missionary to the District Missionary by the 1st Saturday in February.  The District Missionary then submits the International Report Form/reporting documentation to the Executive Secretary by 9:00am on the 2nd Saturday of February.  the Executive Secretary then submits all Jurisdictional female Credential Holders reports and any not submitted will not go to the International Church for Credentialing.


(It is necessary for the Office of the Executive Secretary to have up-to-date contact information for the Licensed Missionary to forward to the International Church in order for the credentials to be received by the Licensed Missionary by mail.  If this is not facilitated correctly and in a timely manner, the Missionary will probably not be able to receive her renewed Credential Card by the Holy Convocation.)



​​Please Note:  The International COGIC Licensing Process differs from the past processes where the International Department of Women processed the women's credentials.  If a missionary's credentials expire without payment of the International Report, the missionary may be required to go through the process again, which includes a COGIC on-line training, a background clearance and possible other requirements in order to receive her credentials.



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